Project 4ЕМ-MCP

“Energy Efficient Electric Motor Systems in New Member and Candidate Countries”
The action, entitled “Energy Efficient Electric Motor Systems in New Member and Candidate Countries” (4ЕМ-MCP) was implemented under a grant agreement between the EC and a consortium of beneficiaries (incl. the EEA) in the framework of the “Intelligent Energy – Europe” Programme. The project started 1st of January 2006. The partners of the consortium are, as follows: Polish Copper Promotion Centre – co-ordinator; the EEA, Bulgaria; ESD-Bulgaria Ltd.; Black Sea Regional Energy Centre, Bulgaria; ECD, Italy, ENERO, Romania; ISR – University of Coimbra, Portugal; Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency; ADEME, France and Systemexpert Consulting Ltd.SC, Hungary.
The EC covers 48% of eligible costs of the action.
New pan-European project 4EM-MCP focuses on disseminating, extending and applying MCP tools through national programmes in New Member, aiming to build capacity and to raise energy efficiency awareness of policy makers and industry in this area with:
1. Dissemination, through a comprehensive programme of technically sound publications, seminars, show cases projects, training courses and communication through websites focused on target audience and through engaging new MCP Sponsors.
2. Evaluation tools that will lower the "entry barrier" to energy efficiency. 4EM-MCP would distil the essence of the MCP and other tools adapting them to the targeted countries markets, so as to ease their application in SMEs, including in situations where no publicly sponsored intervention is carried out. A software with the database for supporting decision process will be developed.
3. Market investigation and evaluation of energy efficiency potential, by gathering information on the market penetration of energy efficient electric motor systems, on past, ongoing and planed activities for efficiency improvements in electric motor systems and by evaluating the energy efficiency potential in electric motor systems in the geographical area of programme.
4. Enterprise interventions. These interventions will be of the following types: demonstration projects, audits and EE investments projects, proposal of financial sources,. Enterprise interventions will result in show cases projects and will be used in the dissemination activities.
5. New participants. New national partners would be brought into the MCP in participating countries and other New Member and Candidate Countries.
The Western European Motor Challenge Programme and the associated MCP Tool Set provide a powerful tool for change through an integrated approach based on:
• creating a European framework to encourage top level decision makers to adopt energy savings measures as management priority;
• raising awareness of the potential for energy and money saving measures;
• focusing on the performance of entire systems, so as to provide maximum reliability, quality of service and cost effectiveness;
• making available a wide range of information tools;
• publicly acknowledging the efforts of companies that commit to energy saving "Action Plans" through use of the MCP Logo, catalogues, etc.
The project was over on 21st of December 2008.